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Why Are Ransomware Attacks Such A Big Threat In 2021?



This post will discuss ransomware attacks, explaining why they are such a big concern in 2021 and what you can do to stay protected. 

We will also give you some ransomware attack examples and tell you more about the biggest ransomware attacks that happened recently. Stay tuned!

What Are Ransomware Attacks?

Ransomware is a very dangerous type of malware (malicious software). Upon infecting a device, ransomware encrypts its data, locking it behind a ransom request, hence the name. 

If your computer gets infected with ransomware, you will not be able to access your files, until the ransom has been paid. If you refuse to pay, and cannot remove the ransomware. Your precious files and information will likely be lost for good.

Types Of Ransomware Attacks

The issue with ransomware, as well as any malware, is that it keeps evolving. Hackers try to find new ways how to exploit system weaknesses. That means new types of ransomware are detected regularly, all trying to encrypt your content and get your money. Here are some ransomware attack examples:

  • CryptoLocker – this ransomware made this whole type of malware famous in 2013, resulting in millions of dollars worth of paid ransom fees. It is no longer operational, but many of the active ransomware copy its approach.
  • Ryuk – this one is one of the badest and most widely spread ransomware attacks recently, with as much as 1/3 of all attacks being Ryuk ransomware. It usually aims at big companies, hospitals, and government systems, asking for millions of dollars.
  • Cerber – targets Microsoft 365 users via phishing and has impacted millions worldwide.
  • Locky – this one is spread via email, usually as a fake invoice asking you to enable macros so you can view the file – after you approve it, the encryption begins.
  • Petya and NotPetya – are especially tricky types of ransomware as they encrypt entire systems, trapping all of the victim’s information. NotPetya is even worse, as it only wants to destroy data without even asking for ransom.
  • Jigsaw – this one is especially malicious, as it is time-bound. Jigsaw starts by deleting a single file after one hour and continues deleting files faster and faster. If you don’t pay after 72 hours, all of your files will be gone for good.

How To Stay Protected Against Ransomware?

The most important thing is to prevent ransomware from infecting your devices. Prevention is vital, as ransomware is often impossible to remove without severe damage and data loss.

Therefore, stay protected by using sophisticated anti-virus software with powerful anti-ransomware features. TotalAV will protect your system against all known ransomware attacks as it gets regular updates, making sure you stay one step ahead of hackers. 

TotalAV also protects all of your devices in real-time against spyware, adware, and all other types of malware, keeping your data secured. Therefore, don’t gamble, install TotalAV anti-virus now, and continue browsing the Internet safely.